ʚ Oh my ears & my whiskers, I'm late

ʚ Oh my ears & my whiskers, I'm late


Lighted Wreath: !Ohmai: X'mas Lights Wreath [Playful] - lighted! @ Tannenbaum
Hair: Blues. Lynnda - Naturals 1 @ The Dressing Room
Sweater: {Petite Bowtique} Hollydays Hoodie (Custom) *NEW*
Jeans: ~Dream. Jeans Ocean Washed {B&K} *NEW*
Boots: {Blubb} Reindeer Boots *Rudolph* -Baby- RARE @ Hello Beautiful


Bunny: - Kalopsia - Bunny Foofoo - Sitting - White @ Tannenbaum
Sled: dust bunny . vintage sleigh . with gifts @ Collab88
Presents: dust bunny . present pile @ Collab88
Carrot Ornament: MishMish - Carrot Ornament @ Tannenbaum

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